Short Wave Diathermy, or SWD, is a widely used treatment that makes use of electromagnetic energy to produce deep healing in joints and soft tissues. The heat so generated is applied to deep body structures to treat them and this is not attained through the use of other forms of heat systems. SWD is mainly used for treating joint pain, improve soft tissue healing and decrease symptoms of osteoarthritis. While other heating techniques such as infrared, hot packs etc., provide heat externally, SWD generates heat within the tissue. That is why the SWD system is handled only by knowledgeable and experienced physios to find health solutions for their patients.


Our therapy

Our expert physiotherapist is adept at using SWD technology to address various physiotherapy challenges. We channel the SWD treatment to treat our patients for resuming blood flow in affected areas, decrease inflammation, improving the quality of repair, controlling pain and in faster tissue repair and restoration of normal cell function.

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