What is arthritis?

Arthritis is a disease that causes stiffness and inflammation, especially in the joints. It affects all age groups and all genders. The symptoms include redness and swelling, limited joint functioning, loss of cartilage, bone growth, fatigue, fever and weight loss. There are two types of arthritis, mainly rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is the most common type characterized by damage to the cartilage of the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disorder that can affect the joints and in some cases, cause damage to various body systems including the skin, eyes,lungs, heart and blood vessels. Arthritis may be caused due to genetics and may run in families due to age, obesity or previous injuries.


Our therapy

A pain may approach us after diagnosis by their doctor and being referred to a therapist. Currently, there is no cure as such for inflammation and damage but the pain can be managed with medicines. Our physical therapist can create a treatment program to address the individual condition in syn with the doctor's advice. This will include exercises to improve strength, mobility and joint usage. The therapist will also teach you to correct your posture and protect joints while walking or use walking aids if required. Our physical therapist may also use thermal treatment, laser therapy, ice and heat to eliminate the pain and relax the muscles. You will have to follow the therapist's instruction and follow-up on exercises at home regularly.

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