There a many causes for wrist and hand pain, including carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal tunnel occurs in the wrists where a nerve and tendons extend from the forearm to the hand. It causes pressure on the median nerve and causes symptoms like pain, burning, numbness, swollen hand, weakened grip and problems while lifting small items.


Elbow pain may occur due to overuse in sports and repetitive job or tasks. Other causes for elbow pain are bursitis, dislocated elbow, golfer's elbow, osteoarthritis, sprains, strains and tendinitis.

Our physical therapy

A well-designed physical therapy is effective for elbow, wrist and hand pain. It can help you even avoid surgery. Our physical therapist will work with your primary care doctor to identify the root cause of your pain. Strength and flexibility in the affected areas will also be assessed. Then the therapist will use therapeutic techniques to eliminate the pain. The next step is to build your range of motion through strengthening exercises. Specific passive treatments will include ice therapy, heat therapy, massage, laser, wax therapy and electrical stimulation.

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