Lumbar traction is a treatment or physical therapy procedure for back pain. Lumbar means lower back traction helps separate the vertebrae spaces, that is, around the bones of the spine. Separating these bones slightly help to take the pressure off pinched nerves like sciatic nerves and decreases the pain while improving mobility.


Lumbar traction also helps straighten the spine and the procedure is found to give good results for cases like a slipped disc, bone spurs, degenerative disc disease, herniated discs, sciatica, foramina stenosis and pinched nerves.

Our therapy

Once you are referred by your doctor to our clinic, we take up your case and first examine your medical records. Then a dedicated physical therapist is allotted to you who will work with you to design a program of lumbar traction and exercises that's perfect for treating your problem. Lumbar traction is available in two options and our expertise will hep you choose the best one. We may even teach you a traction procedure you can follow at home, which will add to the effectiveness of your treatment outcome.

Manual Lumbar Traction

In the manual version, a physical therapist uses their hands to administer the traction. Once you lie down on your back, the PT will apply force on the joints and muscles to widen the spaces between the vertebrae.

Mechanical Lumbar Traction

In the mechanical procedure, the patient will lie on a table that has special tools attached for stretching the spine. A physical therapist will then attach a series of pulleys, ropes and slings to your body. The PT will then use these attachments and adjust the pulling to relieve the pressure between your spine.

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