Toxins accumulate in our body due to a number of factors, including internal physiological processes. Dietary habits, sedentary lifestyle and natural body functions all result in the generation of toxins that are usually eliminated in our body's natural detoxification system like sweating and urination; this elimination slows down as years roll by and results in impaired toxin expulsion. The excess toxicity can lead to a number of health issues, including infection, nausea and increased body heat. It is in such a situation that you need to subject your body to manual detoxification.

Our therapy

At Riya Clinic our experts aid in removing toxins from the body and providing relief from the symptoms like fatigue, muscle pain and headaches. We subject the patient to a specific detoxification program that involves massage therapy and certain specialized detoxification therapies. We help improve the body's circulation and aid the body's ability to receive adequate nutrition. This optimizes toxin removal. We use our unique detoxification program to help our patients detoxify their body and remove toxins from the tissues while overcoming chronic health issues or recover from injuries.

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