Cryotherapy is also called ice therapy or application. It is one of the oldest ways to treat injuries and even today; we apply ice to a wound to stop it from bleeding. Ice is believed to control pain by functioning as local anaesthesia. It also helps decrease oedema, nerve conduction velocities, cellular metabolism and local blood flow.+

The effect of cryotherapy is controlled through modifying temperature, duration and method of application. The application methods include ice packs, ice spray, immersion and ice massage. Today, cryotherapy is primarily used in treating sportspersons, helping them recover faster from pain and for treating other patients with rheumatological conditions.

Our therapy

At our Clinic we use cryotherapy to treat a number of conditions and our therapists are skilled in using the therapy with proven effectiveness. We use cryotherapy to treat acute soft tissue injuries, ankle sprains, muscular and ligament sprains, tendinitis, bursitis, post-surgery rehab and acute sports injuries. Though the therapy looks simple by itself, the ice treatment has to be administered with utmost care to see that it does not aggravate the health problem and pain. That is why we have an expert therapist team with years of experience in using cryotherapy with skill and success.

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